Knowledge Base of quantum threats and quantum resistant algorithms
Quantum Computers
Quantum computers are a new generation of computing devices based on the effects of quantum physics.
Quantum threat
A risk associated with an adversary gaining access to data encrypted using traditional methods as a result of a quantum computer-based cyberattack.
Post-quantum cryptography
New cryptographic algorithms resistant to quantum computer-based attacks.
Quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms
A family of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, robust against classical and quantum computer attacks.
Shor's algorithm
A quantum algorithm for integer factorization.
Grover's Search Algorithm
A quantum algorithm for unstructured search.
Supersingular isogeny-based cryptography
Cryptographic algorithms from this family are relatively slow and yet able to provide short public keys and ciphertexts.
Multivariate cryptography
A robust family of quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms based on the assumed computational complexity of solving systems of nonlinear multivariable equations over a finite field.
Code-based cryptography
Cryptographic algorithms from this family are relatively efficient, but generate large keys.
Lattice-based cryptography
Cryptographic algorithms from this family are relatively efficient and generate medium-length keys.
Hash-based cryptography
Among the features of this class of algorithms short public and secret keys can be distinguished as well as conservatism from the security point of view.
Secure multiparty computation
Secure multiparty computation protocols enable data scientists and analysts to collectively, securely and confidentially compute on distributed data without ever exposing or moving it.
Homomorphic encryption
A type of data encryption that allows for computations to be done on encrypted data so that the decryption result is identical to the result of operations performed on the unencrypted data.
Attribute-based encryption
A type of public key-encryption in which the user's secret key and the ciphertext are dependent upon certain attributes. In such a system, the decryption of a ciphertext is only possible if the set of attributes of the user key matches the attributes of the ciphertext.
Timing attack
An attack in which an adversary attempts to compromise a cryptosystem by analyzing the time taken to execute cryptographic algorithms.
NIST post-quantum competition
A competition organized by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology to standardize a set of quantum-resistant cryptographic key encapsulation and digital signature schemes.
CACR post-quantum competition
A competition organized by the Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research to select the most promising post-quantum cryptographic algorithms in 2018-2019.